Redeeming the Time


Screen Shot 2016-11-30 at 12.17.42 PM.pngHi friends, thanks for being a faithful reader of the blog! After much consideration and prayer (many months), I’ve decided to step away for a while. Since Allie was born I haven’t had much time to devote to it, and as she is getting older things are getting busier! I know there are a lot of mom bloggers out there who use nap time for blogging. The truth is I could do that, but it’s just not a big enough priority. I feel like a wiser use of nap time is to serve my family by preparing meals, cleaning the house, handling administrative tasks, and managing a constantly expanding to-do list (If you’re not a stay-at-home mom, you may wonder what in the world we do all day, but I assure you, it’s a lot!) I also would like to use any leftover time for my own personal development through Bible study, reading for pleasure, exercising, and DIY/creative projects. Blogging at this point in my life takes too much time and effort to be worth the trade-off for the other things I could be doing.

You may have noticed that I no longer use my Instagram. I stopped using it a while ago and have not missed it one bit. It’s nice to not have to worry about staging photos or even catching “perfectly imperfect” moments to gain likes from other people, even dear friends. It’s been a refreshing change and I feel like it’s already helped me save a lot of time as well as envy, wishing my life was more like someone else’s Instagram. I feel like that’s been a good forerunner to stop blogging and a lesson in redeeming the time for more edifying things.

There’s also a tension with personal blogging and social media as a Christian. Blogging says, Look at me! Look at how pretty I am and how well-dressed and how talented! Leave me nice comments and likes and follow me! Instead, I want to say, Look at Christ! Look at how beautiful He is and how loving and powerful and magnificent! Praise Him and follow Him! I think that tension can be minimized, but right now I’m not sure how to do it so I’d like to step aside for Christ to be magnified. I’d love for you to read John 3 for more about this.

I’m unsure if I will start blogging again in the future, or if this is goodbye for good, so I’m leaving the blog up to allow me to come back to it. I do know that this is the right decision for my family right now. Thanks for following along with me on this journey for the past two years! If you’re interested in keeping up with me and what’s going through my head (mostly recipes and DIY projects), you can follow along on Pinterest.


Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16


Fun with Warby Parker

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Today I’m excited to share a fun, different kind post with you. I love innovative services and Warby Parker is one of my favorites that I discovered in college. Instead of buying glasses at your doctor’s office, you can browse frames online at Warby Parker and they ship them to your house. You select five frames, keep them them for five days and then ship them back with a prepaid label. The whole process is free, and you don’t have the pressure from the sales associate at the doctor’s office. And did I mention most the frames are only $95?

Warby Parker recently launched a fall collection with details inspired by Surrealist art. For the 5 day home try-on, I chose my favorite pair from the fall collection and four from the classic.







Barnett- these are part of the fall collection!




Which one is your favorite?

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post- I am a personal user of the brand and thought it would be a fun topic to write on!


October Faves


Happy October everyone! This is probably my favorite month because I feel like it’s (finally!) truly fall. Here are some of the things I’m loving this month:

Apple Cider Candle- This candle smells sooo good and makes me feel like it’s fall! I love this brand of candles and use it as my go-to for gifts.

Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Bread- Ok, obviously there had to be something pumpkin on the list! I love baking with pumpkin in the fall. This pumpkin crumb cake recipe is my favorite but if I don’t have a lot of time, TJ’s doesn’t let me down!

J.Crew Gingham flats- I love these flats for transitioning to fall fashion. You may remember them from my gingham post. They are super cute with jeans and a button-down!

None Like Him by Jen Wilkin- I’ve been reading this with a book club of some close friends from DC and it is so good. Here’s an excerpt. Go get yourself a copy today!

Blogilates- For exercise, I either go for a jog with Allie in the stroller or do a few Blogilates videos. Her workout calendars make it so easy- the daily workout is already planned for me!


Farmhouse Favorites

I love Fixer Upper. It’s one of my favorite shows to watch, not just for the drastic before and after shots, but also because Joanna Gaines has an amazing decorating style. If you’ve been on Pinterest in the past year, your feed has probably been full of “farmhouse” style pins. Think striped towels, galvanized tins, white ceramic, wrought iron, rustic wood, and lots of neutral fabrics.

I don’t think I would want to decorate my whole house in all-out farmhouse style, but I love adding touches here and there. Of course, there’s the official Fixer Upper Magnolia Market to buy farmhouse decor, but my go-to affordable stores are Ikea, Target, and Etsy. Here are a few of my favorite picks:


Pitcher // Mail holder // Laundry hamper // Thankful sign // Dish Towels // Wreath and shutter // French ticking pillow


Favorite Resources for Christian Women

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My faith in Christ is really important to me- in fact, it’s the most important thing in my life. I know many readers of this blog are also Christians and so I thought I’d share some of my favorite resources. If you’re not a Christian, this is a great post to look over and click on some of the links to see what Christians actually believe.

The central message of Christianity actually isn’t “be a good person” or “treat others how you would like to be treated”. Those are implications of what is a much larger story called the gospel, or “good news”. The Bible, which is God’s Word to us, tells us that God created us to have a relationship with him, but we damaged that relationship by sinning against him. We rejected his rightful rule over us as our creator and disobeyed his laws, wanting instead to be rulers over our own lives and live however we like. This “cosmic treason” deserves eternal punishment and separation from God, but out of love he provided a way for us to be reconciled to himself. At the right time, he sent Jesus, who was fully God and fully man, to live the perfect life in submission to God that none of us have lived. Jesus was not deserving of death but died on a cross in the place of everyone who trusts in him for salvation – and then rose from the dead to show his victory over sin, death, and Satan. He died in our place if we believe in him- that means he got our punishment and we get his perfect righteousness! In order to have a restored relationship with God, Jesus says we need to “repent and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:15). This means to turn away from sin (disobeying God) and believe that Christ’s death is sufficient to pay our debt. This frees us to walk in newness of life and experience true joy, peace, and love. Things are not going to be perfect in this world affected by sin, but believers in Christ are looking forward to what is to come when there will be no more suffering or death, when we will see God face to face and dwell with him forever (Rev. 21-22).

That’s a basic overview of the central message of the Bible, which is all (even the Old Testament!) about Jesus. If this intrigues you, or maybe you’re curious how Christianity is different from any other religion or why the Bible is reliable, I’d love to talk more with you about it! Shoot me an email at Here is also a helpful website that explains the gospel in many different languages and gives the bible reference for each of the truths claimed. Now, on to resources:

First, the most important thing you need is a copy of God’s word. I like the ESV Bible but the NIV is also a good translation. If I’m having trouble with a passage, I will read it in a paraphrase like the NLT, or check a study bible or commentary.

It’s helpful to supplement your scripture reading with good books and thoughtful articles and podcasts by Christian leaders and Bible teachers. I do want to pause here and say none of this is a substitute for sitting under the regular preaching of God’s word. If you’re not part of a local church, I would strongly encourage you to join one! Become a member and be accountable to fellow Christians – don’t just be a casual attender on Sunday mornings. We aren’t meant to live this life alone (Heb. 10:24-25).

Here’s a list of some of my favorite resources:

John Piper/Desiring God– Anything by John Piper is golden. Desiring God is a ministry with many of his sermons, articles, books, and podcasts for free.

Tim Challies– I look forward to reading his daily roundup emails each morning.

The Gospel Coalition– Great website for articles on a variety of topics. Their podcast and conference materials are also good resources.

Jen Wilkin– I love her books as well as her bible studies (1 Peter is my favorite).

Nancy Leigh DeMoss– I listen to her podcast every day! She’s also written several books.

9Marks– Whenever we move, we use their search when looking for a church in our new city.

Dr. Constable’s Commentary– In-depth free commentary on every book of the Bible. It’s a PDF so I can quickly access it on my phone or computer.

Memverse– my favorite tool for Scripture memory.


Coffee Date


Okay friends, this post is long overdue. Why the long wait? We’ve moved! I’m writing this from my couch in Louisville, Kentucky. About 6 weeks ago we found out that the Navy Chaplain Program Scott is in requires him to spend the rest of his studies in person on Southern Seminary’s campus.

We are so sad to leave our community of college friends, family, and church family in DC. We are trying to focus on the positives- being on campus is great for Scott, we have a two bedroom apartment (Allie having her own room has already been SO awesome!) and I get to be a stay at home mom! But our entire adult lives have been spent in DC and so the newness of everything has been more than a little overwhelming.

In terms of blogging, I still want to continue, but one huge change is I won’t be doing fashion posts like in the past. My best friend and photographer unfortuantely didn’t move with us 😦  It was hard with pregnancy and having a baby to schedule the shoots anyway, so it’s probably a natural transition. However, I love fashion blogs and that is what is inspired me to start blogging in the first place. I still plan on having fashion related posts, and several bloggers I follow incorporate them well into their blogs (two of my favorites here and here). If you love fashion blogs and that’s the main reason you were reading, please email me at and I’d be happy to recommend some of my favorite bloggers that have a similar style to me and are primarily focused on fashion posts! In general, I’m not sure quite what the blog will look like going forward but it’s been in constant transition since I started anyway! Just expect life updates and posts sharing some of my favorite things at the moment 🙂

ALSO, if you’ve visited Louisville (or better, live here!) I would love any suggestions on fun places to go, coffee shops, hidden gems, etc! I have a google map and I’m working on collecting suggestions and scoping them out.

Thanks everyone for your continued support!


Gameday Belles Boutique

IMG_9811My alma mater doesn’t have a football team. I’ve never been a big fan of sports, but I love the idea going to a big state school down South and getting dressed up for tailgating. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, check out these pictures to give you an idea. If you do happen to go to a big university, or you just love cute dresses, I am so excited to share Gameday Belles Boutique with you!

A few of my favorites are the Alyson dress, the Alice dress, the Caroline dress, and the Camille dress (featured in this post!) There’s a variety of dresses and tops so I’m sure you’ll be able to find your school’s colors.

My favorite thing about the Camille dress (other than the beautiful color and the scallop detail!) is how versatile it is – you can dress it up or down and it goes perfectly with statement necklaces, scarves, or a fitted blazer. I styled it for a gameday look with cowboy boots, a casual look with a scarf and Jacks, and a dressier look with wedges. I’d love to hear which one is your favorite, as well as your favorite Gameday Belles item in the comments!

Gameday Look

IMG_9921v1IMG_9879v1IMG_9930v1-2IMG_9934IMG_9842.jpgDress- Gameday Belles Boutique (c/o), Necklace- Etsy, Earrings- H&M, Boots- Cavendar’s

Casual Look



Dress- Gameday Belles Boutique (c/o), Scarf- Lilly Pulitzer, Clutch- Pink Azalea, Shoes- Jack Rogers, Bracelet- Lily & Laura, Earrings- H&M

Dressy Look

IMG_9820.jpgIMG_9764IMG_9757v1IMG_9821Dress- Gameday Belles Boutique (c/o), Necklace- J.Crew, Shoes- Payless, Earrings- Macy’s, Bag- Marley Lilly, Phone case- Target

Pinterest Inspired: Stamped Wood Slice



I’ve had this project on my DIY Pinterest board for quite a while, and it’s from one of my favorite blogs. This was an easy Pinterest Inspired post for me to write, since I’ve already done it!




Our wood slice is one of several decor pieces in our apartment that we reused from our wedding. Wood slices are so popular now, I’ve even seen them at Target to use as chargers for place settings, but I would buy them at a craft store to avoid overpaying. For this project I used a set of rubber alphabet stamps and a black ink pad.

I recommend not pressing down too hard on the ink pad or you’ll get part of stamp’s corner on the wood as well (though I kind of like this for an imperfect look- you’ll see some in the picture of my wood slice). Another tip is to vary the lettering a bit so it’s not all in a straight line to make it avoid looking too mechanical and to add a bit of whimsy.

You can also do this project with some chalk paint and a chalk marker! This was what we had on display for the guest favors at our wedding (The back is scratched since it’s been up against the wall).


The wood slice (stamped, chalked, or plain) makes a great wall hanging as well as entertaining piece, front door wreath alternative, centerpiece base for your dining room table…among many other possibilities!

New Fashion Essentials

Last month, fashion and lifestyle website Pure Wow came out with an article entitled “10 New Fashion Essentials Every Woman Should Own”. Despite the subtitle, they are most certainly not “worth every freakin’ penny”. A camel coat for $2,500? No thank you!

Here’s my take on these 10 essentials and where to buy them for much, much cheaper!

1. Camel Coat

New Fashion Essentials

I have a camel peacoat and I love it as an alternative to my black one. This coat is a great option at $68, or if you’re looking for both warmth and style, this L.L. Bean coat is $200.

2. Bow-tie blouse

New Fashion Essentials

While I don’t love the black on white color combo featured in the article, this monochromatic top from New York & Company is right up my alley and only $25.

3. Diamond rings, reimagined

New Fashion Essentials

They may not be high quality, but if you’re just going for the look these stacking rings work just fine at $20.

4. The new shoulder bag


I love the Chloé Marcie as much as the next fashionista, but not its $800 price tag! I find most my bags at Target and love this saddle bag for only $35.

5. The sleeker blazer

New Fashion Essentials

I think I would have to try this tuxedo-style blazer on to see if I liked it (the classic style is just fine by me). Here’s an affordable option at $59.

6. The chicer everyday tee

New Fashion Essentials

One of my favorites! This goes with pretty much anything. You can pick up a J.Crew classic version for $35 here.

7. Culottes


Definitely not my style, but if your wardrobe is more trendy in nature you could pull them off! If you’re not sure, pick up this pair that will only set you back $6.

8. Lace-up flats


I think I like these, but would never be daring enough to wear them! I would favor a modified version of lace-up flats, such as this espadrille style or this ballet flat.

9. Flared denim.


Again, not my style of pants. But perhaps we are nearing the end of the skinny jean’s reign? I’d much rather replace them with a cute skirt, but if flares are your style, this J.Crew pair at $44 is a great deal.

10. Neutral nail polish. 

New Fashion Essentials

Essie is my go-to brand, and I love this pale pink color.

Huge thanks to BMO for giving me the idea for this post! (Y’all should check out her Etsy shop!)